Martin McKiernan joins Ó’Muirigh Solicitors

Martin McKiernan
Ó’Muirigh Solicitors has announced that Martin McKiernan will join its human rights and litigation team.
Mr McKiernan told Irish Legal News: “I’m very excited to be joining the team at Ó’Muirigh at this time.
“It is a firm with a proven track record in delivering for clients and achieving the best results. I look forward to working with the team in fighting for social justice and equality issues for the whole community.”
The firm’s managing director, Padraig Ó’Muirigh, said: “Ó Muirigh Solicitors are delighted to welcome Martin to our human rights and litigation team.
“He is a someone who has had a longstanding interest in this area of law as can be demonstrated from his participation in social justice campaigns and promotion of equality issues in recent years.
“I have no doubt will be a good fit for our office and will be an invaluable contributor to the future success of our office.”