NI: Medical professionals told to expect more complaints in future

A major medical conference hosted by Carson McDowell heard that the medical profession in Northern Ireland is likely to face increasing complaints in the future.
Complaints Management: A Practical Guide heard that complaints are likely to increase as budgetary and time pressures take their toll on the health service.
More than 150 doctors and medical practitioners heard from Marie Anderson, the public services ombudsman; His Honour David Pearl, chair of the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service; and Michael Cruikshanks from the Health & Social Care Board.
In a survey carried out by Carson McDowell ahead of the conference, over 70 per cent of GP practices reported an increase in the number of complaints received in the previous 12 months.
Over 90 per cent of practices surveyed said this was down to increased patient expectations, with 55 per cent attributing the rise to pressures on the health service and a third citing negative press coverage.
The most common complaints were long waiting times (74 per cent) and communication issues (52 per cent), while doctors said some of the main issues they are facing include legislative changes, conflicting professional guidance, and dealing with abusive patients.
Last year complaints about health and social care bodies, made up 332 of the 546 matters investigated by the Ombudsman’s Office.
In June 2016, Ms Anderson reported that 80 per cent of the workload in her office related to health.
Roger McMillan, head of healthcare at Carson McDowell, said: “The health service is facing a range of challenges secondary to budgetary constraints and a growing need for its provisions. For front line medical and practice staff, the threat of a complaint, potential referral to their regulator or legal action as a result of the treatment they provide is rarely far from the front of their minds. A doctor is likely to face several complaints during their career and it can be a very stressful experience for all involved, patient, doctor and staff.
“Our event was designed to provide some direction on how complaints can be dealt with effectively and efficiently in a way which achieves a positive outcome for both the complainant and practitioners. By looking at the trends in complaints, we want to allow doctors the opportunity to take necessary precautions to minimise their own chances of becoming the subject of a complaint.”
Marie Anderson, NI public services ombudsman, added: “I was delighted to share my experience of good complaints handling practices at this important event, aimed at medical practitioners.
“I am concerned about the increasing numbers of health complaints to my office, many of which could be resolved at the initial stages. Complaints can be a source of learning for practices and effective complaints handling can help restore patients’ trust and confidence.”