Men in law face mental health stigma

LawCare has published findings on the mental health needs of men in the workplace.
A focus group of barristers, partners, mid-level and junior associates, in-house lawyers as well as those in support roles, from across the jurisdictions, was used to gain an idea of the mental health experiences of men in law, the barriers to seeking support and what needs to change to encourage more men to seek support.
Despite the increased awareness and understanding of mental health in legal workplaces, there remain significant barriers to men seeking support.
Elizabeth Rimmer, chief executive of LawCare, said: “The recommendations of this report make it clear that there needs to be a joined up and concerted effort across the profession to challenge the stigma that prevents men from speaking up about their mental health and seeking support. We will continue to champion positive change and encourage more male role models to inspire men to seek help when they need it.”
Download the report here