Mergers notified to CCPC up 21 per cent in 2024

There was a 21 per cent increase in mergers notified to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) in 2024, according to its latest annual M&A report.
There were 82 merger notifications in 2024 and the CCPC issued 77 determinations over the same period, including seven in relation to cases carried over from 2023. A further merger notified in 2023 and carried over to 2024 was declared invalid.
Nearly three-quarters (71 per cent) of the CCPC’s determinations in 2024 were made under the simplified merger notification procedure (SMNP) and these mergers were cleared within an average of 13.3 days of notification.
Eight Phase 2 investigations were either progressed or concluded in 2024, with three of these notified in 2023.
Three media mergers were notified to the CCPC in 2024, compared to five in 2023. The professional services sector — including legal, accountancy, consultancy, engineering, and veterinary — was the most prominent sector, with 13 merger notifications received.
The average time to issue a determination on a non-extended Phase 1 investigation was 16.3 working days.
Úna Butler, member of the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, said: “It was a busy year for merger review in Ireland in 2024. Notifications to the CCPC increased by more than 20 per cent.
“Despite this increase in the volume of notifications, the average time to review mergers has continued to decrease, enabling us to focus our resources more effectively on those mergers which have the potential to raise competition concerns.
“This is because more notifications were made under the simplified merger notification procedure than in any year to date.
“There were also more Phase 2 investigations in 2024 than in any year previously. Phase 2 investigations were required in a wide range of sectors including car parks, aggregates, communications infrastructure, and retail pharmacies.
“Ireland’s merger review regime ensures that mergers which threaten to substantially lessen competition only proceed where appropriate measures to address these concerns are implemented. Where that does not happen, the CCPC will prohibit the merger.
“Our goal is to safeguard competition for the benefit of consumers.”