Metropolitan Police could adopt gender-neutral uniform for officers

The Metropolitan Police could adopt a gender-neutral uniform for all police officers following a consultation of officers.

The UK’s largest police force said it would consult staff ahead of the contract with its current uniform provider expiring in 2023.

The current uniform includes helmets or flat caps and ties for men and bowler hats and cravats for women.

A spokesperson for the Met told The Times: “The Met is proud to have a diverse workforce and has always ensured it adheres to the Equalities Act 2010. Subsequently, its uniforms are designed to cater for officers with protected characteristics, while also being practical and looking professional.

“The Met’s contract with its current uniform provider is due to expire in 2023. Before agreeing a new contract, the Met is considering what it requires of its uniforms to ensure officers are best able to carry out their job, while continuing to adhere to equality law.

“The Met is seeking the views of police officers and staff who have protected characteristics, including those who identify as non-binary or gender fluid. This important feedback will be taken into consideration.”

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