Michael Bready appointed to Private Arbitration Court

Michael Bready
Belfast-based barrister Michael Bready has been named as the only arbitrator from Northern Ireland on the new Private Arbitration Court.
The new alternative dispute resolution (ADR) platform has been launched by Hunt ADR, an Essex-based provider of mediation and arbitrator services, and The Barrister Group, a barristers’ chambers in England and Wales.
Mr Bready, who has over 25 years of private practice legal experience in Northern Ireland, is one of the first appointees to its panel of arbitrators.
Gregory Hunt, chief executive of Hunt ADR, said: “We are delighted to welcome Michael Bready to the panel of arbitrators included in the Private Arbitration Court.
“Michael brings over 25 years’ of legal experience and a real appreciation for the value that mediation and arbitration can bring for businesses and individuals in settling disputes whilst avoiding the costly and time-consuming route of litigation.”