Misuse of illegal fireworks targeted in awareness campaign

Misuse of illegal fireworks targeted in awareness campaign

A nationwide awareness raising campaign to warn against the serious danger posed by illegal fireworks and the strict penalties for their misuse has been launched by junior Department of Justice minister James Browne.

The campaign was launched in collaboration with An Garda Síochána, Foróige, the Irish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA), the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, and Dublin Fire Brigade at Garda Headquarters in the Phoenix Park.

This year’s campaign will continue to emphasise the physical danger and emotional distress caused by illegal fireworks and will emphasise the serious penalties that can be imposed, with fines of up to €10,000 and five years’ imprisonment applying for having fireworks in your possession with intent to sell or supply, or if convicted or throwing an ignited firework at a person or property. 

Speaking at the launch, Mr Browne said: “While Halloween can and should be an enjoyable, exciting time for children, teenagers and their families, we all know the misery that fireworks and bangers can cause the elderly and the vulnerable.

“Young people are also particularly affected by anti-social behaviour at Halloween and are often targeted by people their own age using bangers and fireworks to injure and intimidate. This campaign – and the penalties people face for misusing fireworks - show how seriously we take this kind of behaviour.

“Fireworks have a terrible impact on Guide and Assistance Dogs, family pets, animals and livestock, given their heightened senses of hearing and smell. This is without even considering the serious physical and often life-changing danger posed by illegal fireworks to not only those who use them, but also innocent bystanders.”

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