More than €220,000 raised by Lawyers Against Homelessness

Lawyers Against Homelessness has raised more than €220,000 in support of the Capuchin Day Centre, organisers said following their ninth CPD event.
Yesterday’s event — the latest in a series of fundraising CPD events hosted since late 2017 — focused on personal injury and employment law.
In a statement, Lawyers Against Homelessness said: “We wish to thank all who attended our Capuchin Day Centre lecture on Thursday and also those who contributed so generously. Every cent collected is for the Capuchin Day Centre.
“We wish to thank our speakers, namely The Hon Mr Justice Paul Coffey, His Honour Judge John O’Connor, Judge Marie Quirke, Dr Val Corbett, Liam Reidy SC, Edward Walsh SC, The Hon Ms Justice Marguerite Bolger, Richard Grogan, Solicitor, Mairéad McKenna SC, Rosemary Mallon, BL, Eamonn Marray BL, Michael Gilvarry BL, Barry Lee, Solicitor and Ailbhe Kelly BL.
“To date, after our ninth CPD event at the Capuchin Day Centre, Lawyers Against Homelessness have raised over €220,000, all of which has gone direct to the Capuchin Day Centre to assist in defraying the enormous cost of running the facilities provided to the homeless through the Capuchin Day Centre.”
The initiative’s 10th CPD lecture will be held on Thursday 30 March 2023 at the Capuchin Day Centre at 3.30pm, covering commercial law and planning law.
For updates and how to book for this event, please email