MPs give overwhelming backing to Investigatory Powers Bill at second reading

MPs give overwhelming backing to Investigatory Powers Bill at second reading

MPs backed the Investigatory Powers Bill at its second reading in the House of Commons yesterday by 281-15.

The UK’s Home Secretary Theresa May told the chamber that the legislation would uphold the Government’s commitment to “updating and consolidating our country’s investigatory powers in a clear and comprehensive new law that will stand the test of time”.

She added: “As the House is aware, the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act 2014, which the Bill is intended to replace, contains a sunset clause requiring us to pass legislation by the end of 2016.

“That is the timetable set by Parliament, and the grave threats we face make it imperative that we do so.”

The bill sets out police and intelligence agency powers to gather and access communications and communications data as well as the safeguards and oversight arrangements which govern their use.

MPs from the Labour Party and the SNP have criticised the proposed legislation, but abstained from last night’s vote, while Liberal Democrat MPs voted against.

Shadow Home Secretary Andy Burnham told The Times: “Britain needs a new legal framework in this crucial area that is fit for the digital age, balancing powers with proper safeguards. So Labour will put party politics aside and work constructively with the Government to that end.”

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