Nazi cops it: Police officer convicted of terror offences in UK first

A serving police officer has been convicted of a terror offence for the first time in UK history after a court found he was a member of the proscribed neo-Nazi group National Action (NA).
Ben Hannam, a 22-year-old Metropolitan Police officer, joined the group in March 2016, nine months before it was proscribed for openly celebrating the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox.
He was outed as a member of the group after anti-fascists leaked personal information from a far-right Internet forum called Iron March. Police later found neo-Nazi and NA material at his home.
He continued to attend NA events after its proscription and appeared in an NA promo video just days before applying to join the Met in July 2017, The Guardian reports.
Mr Hannam, who has been suspended from duty, will reappear at the Old Bailey later this month for sentencing.