New campaign highlights domestic abuse services still available in lockdown

Charlie Flanagan
A new awareness campaign has been launched to ensure that victims of domestic abuse know services are still available in spite of the coronavirus pandemic.
New TV and radio ads now airing reflect the particular issues raised for some by the need to stay at home because of restrictions introduced to halt the spread of COVID-19.
Launching the campaign, Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan said: “At a time when we have all been told to stay at home, I am very conscious that for victims of domestic abuse, home can be anything but a safe place.
“That is why I want victims to know that they will continue to receive the highest priority from the civil and criminal justice system throughout this crisis. I want perpetrators to know that too.”
The Government has provided over €160,000 to community and voluntary groups to support their work with victims of domestic violence during the pandemic.
The Legal Aid Board is giving priority to domestic violence and childcare cases, with every centre maintaining a phone line or email address for victims seeking supports. A helpline has been set up to ensure that persons experiencing domestic violence issues get prompt legal advice and legal representation in court where needed.
The Courts Service is also giving priority to domestic violence and childcare cases, with every district continuing to have a court open to hear applications for protection, interim barring and emergency barring orders.