New Houses in Multiple Occupation book published

New Houses in Multiple Occupation book published

The Lady Chief Justice, Dame Siobhan Keegan and members of the legal profession were in attendance at Law Society House in Belfast last week for the launch of a new book aimed at anyone involved in the private rented sector in Northern Ireland.

The new book entitled The Law of Houses in Multiple Occupation in Northern Ireland is essential reading for landlords, tenants, their legal advisers, letting agents and local councils.

Written by solicitor Charles O’Neill, the book explains the law and associated legislation relating to Houses in multiple occupation (HMOs) an important element of housing in Northern Ireland.

The book covers all aspects of the Houses in Multiple Occupation Act (NI) 2016 including the definition, requirement, process of applying for a licence, appeals and enforcement of HMO in Northern Ireland.

Darren Toombs, president of the Law Society of Northern Ireland said: “I would like to personally thank Charles for writing this new book which provides much needed clarity on issues relating to Houses in multiple occupation in Northern Ireland.”

Derval McFetridge, information & research manager at the Law Society said: “We have had a positive response from our members to the new publication and orders are coming in thick and fast especially from conveyancers. I would encourage all those wishing to secure a copy to please contact me.”

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