New licensing model to improve construction health and safety

Simon Harris
A new construction safety licensing authority will be established under legislation approved by ministers.
The draft Construction Safety Licensing Bill 2022, which is due to be published, will provide for the establishment of a licensing authority to oversee a new licensing model for those skilled activities which are currently certified under the Construction Safety Certificate Scheme and the Quarrying Safety Certificate Scheme.
Simon Harris, the minister for further and higher education, research, innovation and science, said: “The licensing model’s core aims are to ensure our workers are competent to undertake activities, that there is a legislative basis for reassessment, and that a high standard of health and safety awareness is maintained within the construction sector.
“Since the approval and publication of the general scheme of the bill in September this year, we have introduced provisions around offences for fraudulently obtaining licenses, and for non-adherence to standards for licensed tutors and approved training organisations.
“We have engaged with colleagues in a number of departments throughout the development of this draft bill and this will continue as we progress through the legislative process.
“This bill will be significant in further embedding health and safety in the training of our construction workers, so as to enhance their safety and competency on site.”