New podcast to explore first-hand experiences with gardaí

Dr Vicky Conway
A new podcast launched by academics at Dublin City University (DCU) will explore people’s first-hand experiences with gardaí.
The Policed in Ireland podcast is hosted by Dr Vicky Conway, one of Ireland’s leading researchers on policing, and begins today on the Tortoise Shack.
Dr Conway told Irish Legal News: “The podcast aims to create a space where we can hear the experiences that people have with the gardaí, and take time over those stories so that we can understand fully what is helpful and what is not.
“There’s a great deal of legislation due in the coming year to reform policing, and i think it’s important that people’s voices are central to those discussions.
“I also think that as a society it is a positive thing to understand the experiences that others have: we may not all need or expect the same thing from the police and it’s good to reflect on that.”
Each episode of the podcast will be “grounded” in a different person’s experience, with “some contextualisation to the content from relevant experts”, she said.