Northern Ireland Bar launches video series on civil legal aid

Northern Ireland Bar launches video series on civil legal aid

Donal Lunny KC

The Bar of Northern Ireland has launched a new series of explainer videos to promote the meaning and value of legal aid in civil matters.

The video series follows the commencement of a review of civil legal aid by the Department of Justice, with the Bar submitting a detailed advocating for a positive, proud, and strategic vision for publicly funded legal services in the civil sphere.

The series of explainer videos were published this week on the Bar of Northern Ireland social media channels, having been previewed by members of the Stormont All-Party Group on Access to Justice at its meeting earlier this month.

Mr Lunny said: “Civil legal aid is critical to many thousands of people right across Northern Ireland in seeking access to justice and dealing with important life challenges, such as family breakdown, immigration matters, personal injuries, and housing crisis.

“Yet, civil legal aid can also be undervalued and while the wider public may have a degree of knowledge and awareness of how our criminal courts operate, the same cannot be said of the important matters often at stake in civil proceedings.

“The Bar of Northern Ireland is committed to promoting the value and meaning of civil legal aid and fostering a better-informed discussion on the subject matter. It is hoped that these explainer videos may go some way in doing that.”

He concluded: “With the review of civil legal aid ongoing, we continue to highlight the role of the independent referral Bar in delivering civil legal aid in a way which assists citizens through life’s challenges, takes a problem-solving approach and delivers value for money.”

The explainer videos can be found on the Bar of Northern Ireland’s Linkedin and X pages.

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