Oireachtas committee calls for regularisation of undocumented migrants

The Oireachtas justice committee has called for the establishment of a time-bound scheme with transparent criteria to regularise the position of undocumented migrants in Ireland.

In a new report, the committee said such a scheme would give undocumented migrants a window of opportunity to come forward, pay a fee and regularise their situation.

The committee also said that the “urgency of addressing this situation” meant the scheme should be introduced, at least initially, on an administrative basis rather than through legislation.

Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin, chair of the committee, said: “There are many potential benefits to such a scheme, allowing individuals, many of whom are already in employment and have a long-term connection to the State, to regularise their situation, pay taxes, and make a positive contribution to Irish society generally at a time when the country is returning to steady growth in employment opportunities.”

The committee also made recommendations on improving family reunification processes, increasing the number of refugees welcomed to Ireland, doing more for unaccompanied minors, and making sure individuals do not live in Direct Provision on a long-term basis.

Mr Ó Caoláin added: “The Committee held a series of interesting and informative engagements with relevant stakeholders – the Migrants Rights Centre Ireland and NASC Ireland, as well as with Deputy Frances Fitzgerald, Tánaiste and then Minister for Justice and Equality, and Deputy David Stanton, the Minister of State at the Department of Justice and Equality.

“Arising out of those hearings, the Committee has made a number of recommendations, which have been sent to the Minister for Justice and Equality and the Committee looks forward to further engagement on this matter.”

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