Oireachtas justice committee calls for submissions on online harassment

The Oireachtas committee on justice and equality has issued a call for written submissions on the issues of online harassment, harmful communications and related offences.
The committee is examining the nature and extent of the problems of cyber bullying, harassment, stalking, revenge porn and other forms of harmful communications, and international best practice for addressing these problems.
It will consider whether self-regulation of harmful communications by social media companies is the best approach or whether new laws are necessary to cover such activities, and what forms such laws should take.
For the next month, the committee is inviting written submissions from relevant stakeholders and will subsequently hold a series of public meetings on the issues, with a view to publishing a report later this year.
The closing date for submissions is Friday 20 September 2019. Further information about the committee’s work on online harassment is available here and information about how to make a written submission is available here.