Parole Board will be put on statutory footing next year

Helen McEntee
The Parole Board will be put on an independent statutory footing by the end of next year, Justice Minister Helen McEntee has said.
Ms McEntee gave an update on the implementation of the Parole Act 2019 as she launched the Board’s annual report for 2019.
The Board is currently established on an administrative basis and its role is to review the cases of prisoners sentenced to determinate sentences of eight years or more.
Legislation providing for an independent statutory Board was originally introduced as a private member’s bill by Jim O’Callaghan in 2016 and was passed by the Oireachtas last summer.
The bill also increased the length of the sentence which must be served by life-sentenced prisoners before they are eligible to be considered for parole from seven to 12 years.
Ms McEntee said: “I am fully committed to establishing the new Parole Board as soon as possible. This is an important Programme for Government commitment and is something I have identified as a priority action for my Department.
“The move from the current model to the model set out in the 2019 Act is complex and a significant amount of planning has been required. While much of this work has been completed, there are a number of practical steps required before I commence the Act and establish the Parole Board. These include the selection of Board members and the appointment of a chief executive and of staff.
“Under Budget 2021, I have secured a significantly increased funding allocation of €1.3m to allow us to move this project from the planning to the implementation phase.”
A project board has been established in the Department of Justice to ensure that all necessary arrangements are made as soon as possible, she said.
She added: “Additional staff have been assigned to implement this project on a priority basis, in addition to the seven existing Parole Board staff who will continue to support the existing Board.
“I am pleased to say that a critical path for delivery of this significant priority project is currently being developed, with a view to ensuring full commencement of the Parole Act in 2021. When fully operational I expect the budget for the Board to be in the region of €2 million per year.”