Paternity Bill published and due to be introduced to Dáil
The Paternity Bill was formally published yesterday and will be introduced to the Dáil this Friday, Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald has confirmed.
Ms Ftizgerald said the legislation “has been a priority for me since the new Partnership Government was established in May”.
Ireland, unlike most EU member states, does not currently have any statutory provision of paternity leave.
The proposed new legislation allows new fathers and the fathers of newly-adopted children to start a combined package of paternity leave and paternity benefit within the first six months following birth.
Ms Fitzgerald said: “I strongly support the Government’s commitment to significantly increase parental leave over the next five years and cut the cost of childcare.
“I hope all members of the Oireachtas will play their part in facilitating this priority legislation through the Houses over the coming weeks.”
Social Protection Minister Leo Varadkar added: “Parenting is changing and fathers are more and more involved in raising their children. Ireland is behind the curve compared to our European colleagues but this combined package of paternity leave and paternity benefit will help to address that.
“The Department of Social Protection will provide paid paternity benefit of €230 per week for the two weeks of Paternity Leave. Employers will also have the option of providing a further top-up to the dad’s regular salary if they so choose.
“There is plenty of evidence showing the vital role that fathers as well as mothers play in the life of newborn babies and young children. The more time that fathers can spend with their babies the better.
“I hope that the Government will be in a position to extend this provision further in the years ahead. I’m also very happy that the 256,000 self-employed men in Ireland will be able to take paid Paternity Benefit for the very first time.
“Because they are self-employed, they can already take leave but most don’t due to loss of income or business. This measure will make it a little bit easier for them. Paternity Leave and Benefit can be taken at any point up until the child reaches 28 weeks of age.”