Practical guidance for solicitors ahead of barristers’ strike

The Dublin Solicitors Bar Association (DSBA) criminal law committee has published practical guidance for solicitors ahead of the one-day barristers’ strike next week.
The committee acknowledges “the support solicitors may wish to extend to their barrister colleagues” and provides “advice which may be taken at the discretion of each individual solicitor”.
The guidance states that solicitors may:
“Notify your client of the event and the practical difficulties the disruption will cause on the 3rd of October and seek their consent to remand or adjourn their case to the next available date.
“Notify the Court Services, An Garda Siochana, The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and or local state solicitor and Judge of your instructions from your client to seek to remand or adjourn their case to the next available date if forthcoming.
“Notify your client, The Court Services, An Garda Siochana, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and or local state solicitor and Judge of the reason for the withdrawal of services by the bar and at the discretion of the solicitor express their personal view on this issue.
“Invite clients to write to their TD and Senator highlighting this issue and the detrimental effects it is having on access to justice.”
The guidance adds: “It is recommended that all vulnerable clients and those in custody be given every possible assistance by solicitors.
“Solicitors must ensure they act at all times in the best interests of their clients and take a very clear note of their client’s instruction on this issue.”