Pressure on government over IPAT member fees
The government is reportedly considering calls for an increase in the fees paid to members of International Protection Appeals Tribunal (IPAT).
A number of part-time tribunal members are taking strike action over the level of fees, which can be as low as €248 for a fast-tracked appeal in respect of one person, according to the Dublin InQuirer.
The Department of Justice is considering the call for higher fees alongside the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, which would be required to agree.
A spokesperson told the newspaper that the “reduction in availability from part-time tribunal members for oral hearings does not affect paper-based work and appeal cases will continue to be determined this month”.
The matter will come across the desk of the new justice minister, who will most likely be named by the incoming government this evening.
The programme for government agreed by Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and independent TDs includes a commitment to “replace the International Protection Appeals Tribunal with a new, faster appeals system”.