NI: Private renters protected from eviction until end of September

Legislation protecting private renters in Northern Ireland from eviction have been extended to the end of September 2021.
The Private Tenancies (Coronavirus Modifications) Act requires landlords to give tenants a 12 week notice to quit period before seeking a court order to begin proceedings to evict and therefore reduce the possibility of tenants in the private rented sector becoming homeless.
Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey said: “I am committed to protecting people from eviction during this difficult time. My focus in all I do is to support those in most need. I introduced this legislation to do just that and to support the wider public health effort.
“This pandemic has been an evolving situation and the legislation was drafted to enable an extension if required. Minister Ní Chuilín moved in August 2020 to extend this protection.
“Given the current public health situation, I consider that it’s important that we continue to give private renters some assurance at this time. The legislation will therefore now be extended until 30 September 2021.”
She added: “Our focus at this time must be to continue to reduce the cases of coronavirus, and as the vaccine roll-out continues at pace, there is hope for the future.
“I will review the legislation in the summer. More generally I will bring forward legislation to the Assembly that will improve the safety, security and quality of the private rented sector.”