Professional, Regulatory and Disciplinary Bar Association hosts annual conference

The Professional, Regulatory and Disciplinary Bar Association of Ireland hosted its Annual Conference Professional Regulation in the Financial Sector on Tuesday, 24th May at The Honorable Society of King’s Inns.

Chaired by Nuala Butler SC, the conference featured talks by Brian Farren BL, Niamh Hyland SC, Seamus McGrath (Senior Investigating Accountant at the Law Society), Remy Farrell SC, Derville Rowland (Director of Enforcement, Central Bank of Ireland), Eoin McCullough SC, Patrick Leonard SC and Finbarr Murphy BL, whose papers and presentations provided a broad and comprehensive overview of financial regulatory procedures and probity as it applies to banking, accountancy, and the legal profession. The interaction between criminal law and professional regulatory proceedings was also considered.

An audience of barristers, solicitors and legal and regulatory professionals from IAASA, the Office of the Attorney General, the Central Bank of Ireland, the Pharmaceutical Society and the Medical Council commended the event, finding it highly informative and engaging, as evidenced by the lively Q&A session as the conference drew to a close.

About the PRDBA:

The PRDBA is a specialist bar association for Irish barristers who practice before professional regulatory tribunals (such as the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal and the Fitness to Practise Committee of the Medical Council) and who are interested in professional regulatory and disciplinary law. It was established on the 20th February, 2014 and now has over 60 members drawn from the Law Library of Ireland.

The PRDBA provides specialist education to its members through legal updates and morning seminars and acts as a forum for practising barristers involved in professional regulatory law. It also promotes the Bar as a specialist provider of advocacy and legal advice in this area.

The association holds an annual conference, attendance at which is open to PRDBA members, members of the law library and all other interested persons.

For more information about the PRDBA and to keep abreast of future events please visit their website

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