Professor Caroline Fennell to chair new agency Cuan

Professor Caroline Fennell
Professor Caroline Fennell, professor emerita of law at University College Cork, has been appointed as chairperson of Cuan.
The new statutory agency tasked with tackling domestic, sexual and gender-based violence was formally opened in February 2024.
Joining Professor Fennell on the inaugural board are Sarah Benson, Molly Buckley, Denise Charlton, Vivian Geiran, Conor Hanly and Claire Loftus.
Justice minister Helen McEntee said: “I am delighted that people with such experience and knowledge have been appointed to the board.
“In supporting Cuan to deliver on its functions, their commitment and contribution will be a key element to driving real and positive change for victims and survivors and for society more broadly.
“The board will provide strategic direction and promote high standards of corporate governance.
“The collective expertise and dedication to excellence of its members will be invaluable and I am confident that they will guide Cuan wisely as it continues to develop and implement innovative approaches to preventing DSGBV, supporting victims and survivors and promoting awareness and education.
“The appointment of the CEO, and now the establishment of the Board, have given us a real opportunity to drive the delivery of the third, and subsequent, national strategies and ensure Ireland stands out internationally as having zero tolerance for all forms of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence.”