NI: Proposals to establish Victims of Crime Commissioner now out for consultation

Naomi Long
Proposals to improve the experiences of victims and witnesses within the criminal justice system, including through the establishment of a Victims of Crime Commissioner for Northern Ireland, have gone out to consultation.
The two-part consultation, which will run until 29 July 2021, seeks views on a new three-year draft Victim and Witness Strategy for Northern Ireland and the establishment of the new role.
Justice Minister Naomi Long said: “I acknowledge that the process of accessing justice through the criminal justice system can often be daunting, disorientating and at times traumatic for victims and witnesses.
“I am committed to improving outcomes for victims in the criminal justice system and I want to do everything that we can to make sure that the system itself does not contribute further to the trauma that victims and witnesses of crime experience.
“Since becoming the justice minister, I have focused on doing everything in my power to ensure that the needs and interests of victims are at the heart of the justice system.”
This new draft strategy “sets out an ambitious programme of work that is intended to improve our understanding of what victims and witnesses need and help us to meet those needs, and ensure that victims and witnesses get the focus, support and services that they are entitled to”, the minister said.
The new Victims of Crime Commissioner “would give all victims of crime a voice, promoting their rights as stated in the Victim Charter and raising their issues with both Government and criminal justice organisations”, she added.