Residential landlords now required to register every year

Darragh O'Brien
Landlords are now required to register their tenancies with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) every year following the commencement of new legislation.
Commencement orders providing for the necessary legislative underpinning to require the annual registration of tenancies with the RTB were signed last week and came into effect yesterday.
Housing minister Darragh O’Brien said: “The introduction of annual registration is important in assisting the RTB in monitoring and regulating the sector.
“In comparison to the current system of registration, annual registration of tenancies (and licences in student specific accommodation) by landlords with the RTB is a simpler and more effective registration model for the rental sector.
“Registration reminders and support will be provided to landlords by the RTB to help compliance with this new annual obligation. Up-to-date registration data will help government to better understand the rental sector and inform decision making in rental policy development.”