Scheme of bill to establish Independent Reporting Commission published

Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald
Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald

Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald has published the general scheme of a bill to establish the Independent Reporting Commission, as agreed in the Fresh Start Agreement.

Ms Fitzgerald said legislation would be brought forward as a matter of priority.

The purpose of the IRC is to promote progress towards ending paramilitary activity connected with Northern Ireland.

It will be an independent, international body established in the domestic law of the UK and Ireland, with the UK government and the Irish Government nominating one member each and the Northern Ireland Executive nominated two members to sit on the body.

The Irish Government has nominated Tim O’Connor, a former secretary to the President, to sit on the IRC.

The UK government has nominated Mitchell Reiss and the NI Executive has nominated Monica Williams and John McBurney.

Ms Fitzgerald said: “This very important legislation which will establish the Independent Reporting Commission.

“This international body will have a key role in supporting the implementation of the Fresh Start Agreement’s provisions aimed at ending paramilitary activity connected with Northern Ireland and tackling the criminality associated with it.”

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