Schools urged to get data in order ahead of abuse inquiry report

Schools urged to get data in order ahead of abuse inquiry report

Schools should prepare for the impending publication of a landmark report into historical sexual abuse in day and boarding schools run by religious orders, a lawyer has warned.

The final report of the scoping inquiry led by Mary O’Toole SC is expected to be published by education minister Norma Foley in September.

Clyde & Co has emphasised the importance of schools having robust data in place to facilitate cooperation with any ensuing statutory inquiry and/or future civil claims/redress.

James Chambers, senior associate at Clyde & Co, said: “With the release of the report imminent, it would be prudent for schools to collate their data, such as employment records for all teaching and non-teaching staff during the period covered by the inquiry, along with the full names of all pupils including start and finish dates.

“Schools should also review what insurance cover they have in place to cover any potential claims.”

The final report — which will be made available to those who participated in the inquiry before it is made public — is said to span 26 chapters across five volumes and exceed 700 pages.

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