Taoiseach repeats call for Ibrahim Halawa’s release

Taoiseach Enda Kenny
Taoiseach Enda Kenny

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has sent an urgent letter to Egyptian President Abdel el-Sisi to request the release of Irish citizen Ibrahim Halawa from jail on humanitarian grounds.

Mr Halawa, 21, is being prosecuted in a mass trial in Cairo for participating in a political protest.

He was 17 at the time of his arrest in 2013 and has been charged with serious offences, all of which he strongly denies. His lawyers believe that, if convicted, he may face the death penalty.

The Government recently made a decision to send an Irish GP to Cairo to carry out a medical assessment of Mr Halawa.

Mr Kenny told TDs yesterday: “It is not appropriate for me or any other Government spokesperson to reveal or comment on the details of Ibrahim Halawa’s health condition. As the Deputy knows, these matters are private and confidential.

“However, I can say the Irish doctor, who is a GP, recommended that specialist medical evaluations take place and that Ibrahim Halawa be returned to Ireland for such assessments and on humanitarian grounds.”

Mr Kenny added: “Last evening I sent another urgent letter to President el-Sisi on the basis that he be released on humanitarian grounds. The case is due to go to court tomorrow.

“The Egyptian President has been quite clear and very consistent all along that he can only use his presidential powers of pardon after a court case has actually taken place.”

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