Theresa May urged to press for release of Saudi juveniles facing beheading

Theresa May
Theresa May

Prime Minister Theresa May has been urged to press Saudi Arabia for the release of three juveniles who face beheading for allegedly attending protests.

International human rights organisation Reprieve wrote to Ms May as she visited Saudi Arabia for talks focussed on increasing trade and security relations with the Kingdom.

The visit takes place amid fears for three prisoners arrested in 2012: Abdullah al-Zaher, Dawood al-Marhoon and Ali al-Nimr, sentenced to beheading and, in Ali’s case, ‘crucifixion’, despite being 15, 17 and 17 respectively at the time of their arrest.

Reprieve says the juveniles were tortured into forced ‘confessions’ and convicted in secretive trials. They remain imprisoned, and could be executed at any time without notice being given to their families.

The Foreign Office has said it “remains concerned about cases”, but Reprieve believes the UK has not formally requested their release.

Last year, several juveniles were among 47 people executed en masse in the Kingdom. At least one – Ali al-Ribh – was convicted on charges relating to protests, as were Abdullah, Dawood and Ali.

A prominent group of UN experts has called on the Saudi authorities to “release all three minors immediately”.

Harriet McCulloch, a deputy director at Reprieve, said: “The Prime Minister is seeking closer ties with the Saudi authorities, including on security cooperation, even while the Kingdom’s security sector carries out appalling abuses – from torture and forced ‘confessions’ to the death penalty for juveniles.

“The Prime Minister’s desire to promote Gulf relations must not see Britain compromise our commitment to human rights. Theresa May must make clear on this trip that the UK condemns the Kingdom’s use of torture and executions – and she must call for the immediate release of Ali, Dawood and Abdullah.”

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