NI: Trainees take silver in mediation competition

Trainees studying at the Institute of Professional Legal Studies (IPLS) have been congratulated after coming second at the UK Student Mediation Competition 2020 in Glasgow.
The Northern Ireland team bested their opponents from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Glasgow, but failed to beat Canterbury Law School to the top spot.
The team of Hayley Cummings (Millar McCall Wylie), Amanda Gilliland (TLT), Eimear Cathcart (BLM) and Alison Weir (Carson McDowell) was coached by IPLS director Barbara Jemphrey.
Brian Speers, chair of the Law Society of Northern Ireland’s mediation service, congratulated the team on their “fantastic effort and result”.
He added: “Their commitment, dedication and participation in this competition is to be highly commended.”