Ulster University postgrad student Clare Doyle awarded A&O Shearman award

An Ulster University postgraduate student from Roscommon has been awarded the prestigious A&O Shearman award for the best overall performance in the field of librarianship and information management.
Clare Doyle, a library assistant at Roscommon County Library Service, is the 2024 recipient of the award, recognising excellence in the two-year library and information management postgraduate diploma at Ulster University.
The diploma, now in its 17th year, aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of information professionals. It is supported by global law firm A&O Shearman through this annual award and accredited by professional body CILIP: the library and information association.
Sarah Fahy, global head of research & library at A&O Shearman, said: “Congratulations to Clare, who is a very worthy winner. She demonstrated exceptional talent, produced consistently excellent work, and gained distinction across all her work. It’s not always easy to juggle work and study but I applaud her achievements and I wish her every success in her future career.
“We have partnered with Ulster University for 12 years because we are committed to supporting rising talent.
“We have a strong library and information team in Belfast, who provide a vital service for our offices across the globe, a number of whom have completed this course. We recognise the role that skilled library and information managers bring to an organisation and the value of professional development to build long term careers.”
Ms Doyle said: “I am delighted to receive the A&O Sherman award and I would like to thank the firm for continuing to recognise the importance of library and information management.”
She added: “I’d like to dedicate this award to my grandmother, Kathleen Lowery who died in December 2023 aged 107. Granny worked hard throughout her life, and as an employee of the court service, understood the value and importance of information, most especially in terms of access, education, and transparency.”