Updated court rules under Domestic Violence Act now in effect

Keith Walsh
New court rules required under the Domestic Violence Act 2018 have come into effect.
The District Court Rules have been amended to facilitate the operation of the significant Act, which was commenced at the start of the year.
Family lawyer Keith Walsh, chair of the Law Society of Ireland’s family and child law committee, welcomed the updated rules.
He said: “The new District Court rules are extremely welcome as there should be no uncertainty about the procedures surrounding domestic violence matters, in particular the innovative emergency barring order newly introduced by the Act.
“The new District Court Rules greatly strengthen and protect the rights of victims of domestic violence and implement in full the Domestic Violence Act 2018. These new rules are of great assistance to those applying for relief under the Domestic Violence Act, to lawyers, judges and court officials in ensuring that proper and correct procedures are in place.
“The new rules also provide clear precedent documents to court users which will avoid any confusion in making applications under domestic violence legislation.”