US: Lawyer dies while delivering closing arguments

US: Lawyer dies while delivering closing arguments

An American lawyer collapsed and died while delivering closing arguments in a murder trial, according to US media reports.

Jean Darby, 64, is suspected by doctors to have fallen victim to a brain aneurysm or a stroke while defending a man accused of murder in Alabama’s Lauderdale County Court.

She was just a few minutes into her closing statement at the time, having told the jury that she found the case “exhausting”.

A police officer in the courtroom unsuccessfully attempted to resuscitate her, and a juror who is a registered nurse also attempted to revive her.

She never regained consciousness and died in hospital.

District Judge Carole Medley described Ms Darby as “one of the most well-respected and well-thought-of attorneys in the area”.

Former Alabama state prosecutor and Judge Mike Jones added: “She worked extraordinarily hard to be sure anybody she represented had all the rights the law allows.”

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