Vapers opposed to restrictions on flavours

Vapers opposed to restrictions on flavours

Vapers are opposed to proposed new restrictions on flavoured vape products, the findings of a government consultation suggest.

Health minister Stephen Donnelly and the minister of state with responsibility for public health, wellbeing and the national drug strategy, Colm Burke, last week published the findings of a recent consultation on further regulation of tobacco and nicotine inhaling products.

The consultation ran for six weeks from November 2023 to January 2024.

The consultation looked at potential additional measures to decrease the appeal of nicotine inhaling products to young people, further denormalise smoking, and improve public health.

Some 15,821 responses were received in total, with 90 per cent of members of the public who responded being current vapers.

Other responses were received from organisations and individuals in the spheres of health, education, consumer rights, retail, hospitality and the manufacture and distribution of nicotine inhaling products and tobacco products.

Findings showed strong support for all possible interventions from health organisations, healthcare workers, teachers and non-vapers, highlighting the need to protect children and the uncertainty about the long-term impact from vaping.

There was majority support from all respondents for some regulation of point-of-sale display and of the packaging and appearance of nicotine inhaling products.

There were mixed views on other measures from vapers, the tobacco and vaping industries and retailers, particularly in relation to flavours. In particular, many vapers and industry said that these were important for adults using nicotine inhaling products to stop smoking.

Mr Donnelly said: “We know that there is strong public support for further action on tobacco and nicotine inhaling products. This consultation was an opportunity for particular stakeholders to share their views.

“I am pleased to see strong support for further action from those whose major concern is the welfare of our children such as public health organisations, teachers and healthcare workers.

“The majority of responses from the public were from vapers, including many who have used nicotine inhaling products to stop smoking. However, we were also made aware of a vaping industry campaign, with financial incentives, to encourage customers to contribute to the consultation.

“It is my intention to introduce legislation to regulate the display and advertisement of vapes in shops, the packaging and appearance of the products and the flavours of vape liquids. I will also ban single use vapes, which are detrimental to the health of our young people and to our environment.

“I have already taken action on this issue with the Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Act 2023, which includes the banning of the sale of vapes to under 18s and introducing a new licensing system, but there is more to do. I am committed to ensuring that we progress further legislation as soon as possible after summer.”

Mr Burke added: “Nicotine is a highly addictive substance and children who vape are more likely to start smoking. The health of our children is paramount, and we want to regulate nicotine inhaling products in a way that protects children from nicotine and potential harm.

“I look forward to working with the minister for health on this important issue.”

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