William Fry partner to co-chair privacy professionals group

John O’Connor

A technology partner at William Fry has been named co-chair of the International Association of Privacy Professionals’ (IAPP) Irish KnowledgeNet chapter.

The IAPP is a global, not-for-profit, non-advocacy membership association founded in 2000.

Its local KnowledgeNet chapters offer privacy professionals a chance to come together to draw from each other’s industry experience.

Technology partner John O’Connor has been appointed to co-chair the Irish chapter, which is based in Dublin.

Commenting on his appointment, Mr O’Connor said: “I am delighted to be involved with the IAPP and to take up this Co-Chair role with the Irish KnowlegdeNet Chapter at a time of vast change for the regulation of privacy and personal data.

“I very much look forward to future events and to sharing thoughts and solutions with the global IAPP community.”

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