NI: Wilson Nesbitt unveils corporate rebranding

Wilson Nesbitt has unveiled a rebranding as it aims to grow and build over another seven decades.
The Belfast and Bangor firm, which was founded in 1978, adopted a new look after reflecting on its history.
Managing partner Gilbert Nesbitt said: “We’ve been proud to serve our communities for over 70 years. Each year, we advise thousands of people on their property, personal and business matters.
“We wanted to take a fresh look at our business and make sure that we were conveying an image of how we are today. The new look is fresh and really gives a sense of quite how modern and forward thinking our people and systems are.”
Lenore Rice, head of the firm’s individual and family life sector, added: “When we were looking to relaunch the brand, we turned to our clients to ask them their experiences of working with the firm and their best stories of how we’d made a difference to their lives.
“What came through loud and clear was that our existing look didn’t reflect the service levels and trust they had in us as a business.”
As well as a new logo and website, the firm has unveiled a new slogan: Smarter. Different. Better.
Partner Gary Adair said: “The ‘Smarter. Different. Better.’ is a challenge to each of us to make sure that we deliver the very best results for our clients every day.”