Case Reports

2011-2025 of 2130 Articles
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The High Court has found that the 20-minute observation period traditionally used by the Gardaí before taking a breath-alcohol test did not make the detention of suspects unlawful. The Gardaí had been accustomed to preceding breath-alcohol tests with a 20-minute observation period to ensure that t

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Advocate General Wathelet of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has stated the posting of a hyperlink to a website which published photos without authorisation does not in itself constitute a copyright infringement. The motivation of the person who placed the hyperlink and the fact th

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The Supreme Court has dismissed a judicial review appeal brought by an employee of the Review Commissioners, who disputed the Commissioners’ decision not to fund her professional legal qualification. The Supreme Court found that there had been too long a delay since the employee was first notified

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The High Court has ordered for a solicitor, Mr Patrick Enright, to be struck off the Roll of Solicitors, as a result of fraudulent activity carried out by him in 1994. The Law Society had brought the application following a finding by the Disciplinary Tribunal that Mr Enright was not a fit person to

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The Court of Appeal has ordered a wind farm in Co Cork to be dismantled, pending the outcome of the developer’s application for substituted consent. Mr William Bailey sought orders pursuant to s. 160 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 requiring the dismantling of three wind turbines owned an

2011-2025 of 2130 Articles