A man who was thrown off a horse while he was working at a farm in Cork has been awarded €77,345 in the High Court. Finding that the employer was liable for the accident due to his decision to park his tractor in a location which was likely to spook the horses when they rode past it, Mr Justice
Case Reports
A woman who was seven months pregnant at the time of her dismissal from a job in which she worked for approximately 10 weeks, has lost her appeal to the Labour Court. The woman asserted in evidence that she had told a colleague of her pregnancy the week before her dismissal, and although her uniform
A man who was arrested pending extradition to the US upon his release from a term of imprisonment for child sexual assault and child pornography convictions in Ireland, has lost an application for judicial review in which he sought to be prosecuted in Ireland for offences investigated in the US. Fin
The ‘truly exceptional’ personal and family circumstances of a mentally-ill woman have been found to outweigh the public interest in her extradition to the US, where she faces five alleged offences of drug trafficking and money laundering. Finding that the woman’s surrender to the
Three men who were handcuffed when they were arrested on suspicion of separate drink-driving offences have lost their appeal to the Supreme Court regarding the lawfulness of their arrest. The District Court judge in all three cases had found that the use of handcuffs in the course of their arrests h
A man has been granted an injunction restraining the International Protection Appeals Tribunal (IPAT) from further processing his appeal against the refusal of his applications for refugee status and subsidiary protection, which were examined by a contractor The technical objection to the use o
A man who provided interviews in the “Boston Tapes” project documenting paramilitary involvement in Northern Ireland during the Troubles has had his application for an injunction restraining their use by the PSNI dismissed by the Divisional Court. Background
The question of vires has been remitted to the High Court for re-argument in judicial review proceedings. Finding that, although alluded to, the specific argument of vires had not been raised in the High Court, Mr Justice John MacMenamin said that the High Court judge’s determination that the
The managing director and principal shareholder of a fishing company has been unsuccessful in challenging the rule that, in the absence of exceptional circumstances or otherwise provided by statute, companies must be represented by lawyers with a right of audience in court proceedings. Dismissing th
A 21-year-old man who stabbed a victim in the eye at a New Year’s Eve party in 2014, and went on to assault another victim nine months later, has had his unduly lenient sentence increased in the Court of Appeal. Sending the man back to prison for a further twelve months, Mr Justice George Birm
A man who was refused payment of his legal fees under the Legal Aid Custody Issues Scheme has been granted an Order of certiorari, quashing the decision of the Legal Aid Board. Finding that the decision was ultra vires the scheme and ultra vires the Board’s powers under the scheme, Ms Justice
The mother of Patrick Pearse Jordan, who was 22 years old when he was fatally shot by a member the RUC in Belfast in 1992, has lost an appeal against the refusal to grant leave to apply for judicial review of the latest inquest into his death. Dismissing all six grounds for judicial review which wer
In response to three questions referred to the High Court in relation to the admissibility of an involuntary statement made pursuant to s. 107(4) of the Road Traffic Act 1961, Mr Justice Donald Binchy has concluded that a statement made by an accused person in response to a demand made by a garda pu
Six members of the Irish Countrywomen's Association (ICA) have been granted relief in the High Court in relation to serious procedural irregularities in its 2018 election which they said were in breach of the Constitution of the ICA. In a recently published judgment, Ms Justice Una Ní Raifear
A man whose surrender is sought by the United Kingdom on foot of a European Arrest Warrant has not shown that there is a substantial risk to his rights in view of Brexit. Stating that the Court of Justice of the European Union had already answered ‘almost identical’ questions of European