A man who was refused payment of his legal fees under the Legal Aid Custody Issues Scheme has been granted an Order of certiorari, quashing the decision of the Legal Aid Board. Finding that the decision was ultra vires the scheme and ultra vires the Board’s powers under the scheme, Ms Justice
Case Reports
The mother of Patrick Pearse Jordan, who was 22 years old when he was fatally shot by a member the RUC in Belfast in 1992, has lost an appeal against the refusal to grant leave to apply for judicial review of the latest inquest into his death. Dismissing all six grounds for judicial review which wer
In response to three questions referred to the High Court in relation to the admissibility of an involuntary statement made pursuant to s. 107(4) of the Road Traffic Act 1961, Mr Justice Donald Binchy has concluded that a statement made by an accused person in response to a demand made by a garda pu
Six members of the Irish Countrywomen's Association (ICA) have been granted relief in the High Court in relation to serious procedural irregularities in its 2018 election which they said were in breach of the Constitution of the ICA. In a recently published judgment, Ms Justice Una Ní Raifear
A man whose surrender is sought by the United Kingdom on foot of a European Arrest Warrant has not shown that there is a substantial risk to his rights in view of Brexit. Stating that the Court of Justice of the European Union had already answered ‘almost identical’ questions of European
The Supreme Court has ruled that a bakery's refusal to supply a cake iced with the message ‘Support Gay Marriage’ was not discriminatory on the grounds of sexual orientation, as the refusal was based on the message and not to any particular person. The Court also held that the Fair Emplo
The Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation must reconsider an application to renew an employment permit which was refused because it had been submitted eight days after the previous year’s permit had lapsed. Granting an order of certiorari, quashing the decision, Mr Justice Seam
Supreme Court: Directors of construction company have appeal against 2011 summary judgment dismissed
The directors of a construction company who, along with their wives, signed guarantees in respect of the indebtedness of their company to the Bank of Ireland, have lost their Supreme Court appeal against the €1 million summary judgment granted by the High Court in 2011. Finding that there was n
A retired Garda sergeant who suffered and sustained significant personal injuries in the course of restraining a prisoner has been granted an order of certiorari, quashing the refusal of the Minister for Justice and Equality to authorise his application for compensation. Remitting the matter to the
A woman who contended that the Flags (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2000 breached the Good Friday Agreement 1998, has had her application for judicial review dismissed in the High Court in Belfast. Finding that in introducing the Regulations, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland had fulfille
A woman who worked nearly 60 hours per week, as evidenced by emails sent outside of her contracted hours of 40 hours per week, has been awarded €7,500 in compensation. Agreeing with the Workplace Relations Commission's finding that the employer was in breach of the Organisation of Working Time
AIB have been granted an Isaac Wunder Order, restraining a man from acting as a “McKenzie Friend”. Providing the relief sought by AIB, Mr Justice Robert Haughton granted, inter alia, a permanent injunction restraining the man ‘from advising, participating in, assisting or
A man who was 17-years-old when he was shot in the face while attending a civil rights march in Derry on 30 January 1972 has been awarded £193,000 in compensation. The man was one of 28 innocent people who were shot by soldiers on Bloody Sunday, 13 of whom were killed or mortally wounded and a
The Child And Family Agency (Tusla) has been granted orders pursuant to the Adoption Act 2010 for the adoption of a child in favour of foster parents who have cared for him since October 2000, when he was thirteen weeks old. The birth parents opposed the adoption, however Mr Justice Michael MacGrath
A child who is the subject of an interim care order granted by an English Court must be returned to the jurisdiction of England and Wales after it was found that the child was wrongfully removed from the jurisdiction by her parents. The child had been removed from the care of her parents due to the