And Finally

1066-1080 of 1498 Articles
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A judge has questioned the decision to prosecute a homeless man for breaching coronavirus laws by leaving his home. Sultan Monsour, 45, was arrested in London and charged with being "outside of the place where you were living, namely no fixed address", The Guardian reports.

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A law student whose twin sister caused a car crash by sneezing has successfully sued her for over €100,000. Caitlin Douglas, 21, suffered whiplash-like injuries after her sister Brighid suffered a sudden sneezing fit and veered the car they were travelling in off the road.

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One of the first-ever remote hearings of the Supreme Court of the United States was interrupted by the sound of a toilet flushing. The mystery flush was clearly audible during live-streamed oral hearings in Barr v American Association of Political Consultants, Inc yesterday afternoon.

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A cache of illegal weapons including crossbows, tasers and guns designed to fire teargas canisters have been seized from self-styled "zombie hunters". The illegal weapons were recovered by Swedish border guards from a German couple who arrived in a car marked "Zombie Response Team".

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A five-year-old boy has been caught driving his mum's car in an ambitious bid to cross the United States to buy a Lamborghini. Police in Utah were stunned after they pulled over the car to find a "young, very underage driver", CNN reports.

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A man has been charged with trespassing after being caught camping on a closed Disney island. Richard McGuire, 42, said he didn't realise the "tropical paradise" was a part of Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

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An alleged drug dealer who called police after he was robbed of his merchandise is now facing an investigation. The 18-year-old man, from Vancouver Island in Canada, told officers that two men had "jumped" him and stolen pills and cash.

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A man has been fined after flouting coronavirus restrictions to take his pet fish on a walk. He is one of a number of people in Spain who have allegedly abused rules allowing pet owners to go outside more often, CNN reports.

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The state of Georgia cannot sue a charity for republishing an annotated version of its official legal code, the Supreme Court of the United States has narrowly ruled. The annotated code, produced by legal publisher LexisNexis, was only available for a fee until Public.Resource.Org republished it onl

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The death penalty can be handed down for the theft or destruction of manhole covers, Chinese judges have been told. A statement from the country's top legal and judicial bodies reminds judges that suspects can be charged with "endangering transportation" or "endangering public safety", which have a

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Owners of realistic sex dolls have been reminded to dispose of their erstwhile companions properly following a series of mistaken reports of dead bodies. Police in Germany responded to a report of a dead body in a Bavarian village last weekend only to find a remarkably convincing sex doll, The Times

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A judge has ruled that a staggering €340,000 debt built up in three games of rock-paper-scissors is invalid. The debt had been recognised in a notarised contract and had led loser Edmund Mark Hooper to register a mortgage on his home.

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The US state of Missouri has launched an "impossible" bid to sue the Chinese government for coronavirus. Eric Schmitt, the Attorney General of Missouri, has said the "Show-Me" state will hold China to account for "the enormous death, suffering, and economic losses they inflicted on the world, includ

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A homeowner has won a planning battle started after a neighbour challenged her decision to paint her front door pink. The woman was forced to make a retrospective planning application after a neighbour complained to the local authority about the paint being "too bright".

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Couples are set to be married in online weddings following a shake-up of marriage rules in New York. Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Twitter that he is issuing an executive order allowing for marriage licenses to be obtained remotely and for clerks to perform ceremonies via video conference.

1066-1080 of 1498 Articles