Maurece Hutchinson A prominent personal injury lawyer has welcomed moves to protect children's rights in claim cases.
The convictions of 14 people in Northern Ireland for tampering with their electronic tags will be reviewed after it emerged the tags were faulty. The Department of Justice has written to the 14 people - of whom one was given a one-month prison sentence - to advise them that their convictions will be
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) will have no British judges for the first time ever after the UK government withdrew its candidate. The candidacy of Sir Christopher Greenwood, who sought re-election for a second nine-year term, was withdrawn after 11 rounds of voting to fill the last vacanc
Declan McGeown The chief executive of the Youth Justice Agency (YJA) has highlighted the Agency's restorative approach to young offenders to mark the start of Restorative Justice Week.
William Nee The conviction and sentencing of prominent Chinese human rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong to two years in jail is utterly unjust and he should be immediately and unconditionally released, Amnesty International has said.
HOMS Solicitors has been recognised with the Best Employer: Talent Development & Workplace Wellness Award at the Limerick Chamber Regional Business Awards 2017.
Staff at Tughans took part in this year's Run in the Dark at Stormont Estate to raise cash for a spinal cord injuries research charity.
A woman who was refused refugee status after a papers-only appeal to the Refugee Appeals Tribunal, has successfully appealed the tribunal’s findings. Allowing her appeal, and refusing the State’s cross-appeal, Mr Justice Michael Peart found that the woman had not been afforded the opportunity to
Nearly half (44 per cent) of Ireland's Top 20 law firms have been approached by a UK law firm in the past year with regard to a possible merger, acquisition or strategic representation arrangement following the UK's exit from the EU. The finding is one of many in Smith & Williamson's annual lega
Jim O'Callaghan Electronic monitoring is set to be hotly debated this week following an opposition proposal to tighten bail rules, The Irish Times reports.
Pictured (l-r): Linda Johnston, Dr Julian Sheather Ian Huddleston, Eddie Lynch, Dr Barbara English Greater awareness and a joined up approach is needed to deal with the difficulties surrounding capacity issues in Northern Ireland, a conference hosted by the Law Society of Northern Ireland heard.
Social Protection Minister Regina Doherty The invalidity pension scheme will be extended to self-employed workers for the first time from 1 December, Social Protection Minister Regina Doherty has announced.
Andy McConnell Dublin firm Philip Lee has helped to launch global law firm network Multilaw's new online self-assessment tool for businesses to evaluate their level of risk associated with Brexit.
What should the future relationship between the UK and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) look like? Will the UK still be part of the European Arrest Warrant? Does the EU (Withdrawal) Bill provide legal certainty? The House of Lords EU Justice Sub-Committee will meet with retired judg
The Law Society of Ireland hosted a cluster event in Cork in association with the Southern Law Association on Saturday.