
18946-18960 of 23392 Articles
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Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan Reform of An Garda Síochána must continue at a "greater pace", Justice Minister Charlie Flanagan has said in the wake of the publication of a new Policing Authority report.

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A prisoner forced to slop out as he had no in-cell lavatory facilities was denied his constitutional right to privacy, the High Court has ruled. However, Mr Justice Michael White said he was not awarding damages to Gary Simpson because his witness testimony was partly untruthful and exaggerated.

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Ryanair has welcomed a European court ruling in favour of the airline's argument that a crew's home base should not be the sole determinant of which court jurisdiction can hear disputes on labour issues. Handing down judgment in the Mons case this morning, the European Court of Justice rejected the

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A number of lawyers are among witnesses who will be called before the Oireachtas committee on the Eighth Amendment, The Irish Times reports. Barrister William Binchy and solicitor Caroline Simons were among names proposed at a private committee meeting yesterday, though the agreed list has not yet b

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Judges in Co Kerry are facing calls to allocate poor box revenue to local charities, rather than those based abroad, the Irish Examiner reports. Kerry County Council is seeking a meeting with Judge James O’Connor to discuss the matter.

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The number of people arrested over terrorism-related offences increased by 68 per cent to 379 in the year to June, the Home Office reports. It said the figure was the highest since records began in 2001 and included 12 arrests related to the Westminster attack in March this year, 23 to the Mancheste

18946-18960 of 23392 Articles