
21601-21615 of 23392 Articles
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A US Supreme Court judge has said she regrets criticising US presidential hopeful Donald Trump by calling him a “faker”. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 83, also expressed fear about Trump making it to the White House, though stopped short of an outright apology.

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The gavel, a device never used in the English courts, features on the cover of Confessions of a Barrister – and is a harbinger of things to come. The book is an anonymised account of the trials and travails of criminal barrister, “Russell Winnock”, who called in 1999. But, the title notwithsta

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It may surprise some readers that the last Communard of this title is not Jimmy Somerville, the shrill voice of the 1980s, but Adrien Lejeune who as a young free-thinker reluctantly took the side of the Commune revolutionaries when the people of Paris rose up against the reactionary French governmen

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Lord Campbell A new Act of Union that would “wrest back the initiative from the separatists” and create a federal Britain has been proposed by a cross-party parliamentary group in a new draft bill.

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Paul Seils The International Center for Transitional Justice in New York has published a new handbook for non-specialists, journalists and activists, that walks them through the intricacies of “complementarity,” a fundamental principle of the International Criminal Court (ICC). It lays out the i

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In a decision that significantly influences the procedure for serving wayleave notices, the Court of Appeal unanimously ruled that the procedure by which the Electricity Supply Board (ESB) served a wayleave notice to enter private land was unlawful. In a long-running dispute between the ESB and Kill

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In a decision that significantly influences the procedure for serving wayleave notices, the Court of Appeal unanimously ruled that the procedure by which the Electricity Supply Board (ESB) served a wayleave notice to enter private land was unlawful. In a long-running dispute between the ESB and Kill

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A clamp down on non-payment of M50 tolls has resulted in a number of upmarket cars, including a Range Rover, several BMWs, Audis and Mercedes Benz, being seized. Motorists who have failed to comply with the toll charges could face the possibility of large fines or even jail time.

21601-21615 of 23392 Articles