Adult Safeguarding

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The Law Reform Commission has proposed a new statutory and regulatory framework for adult safeguarding in a 1,000-page report published today. Following extensive research and analysis of existing domestic law and policy and a comprehensive review of adult safeguarding legislative frameworks in othe

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Judge John O'Connor of the Circuit Court will join healthcare and finance professionals in addressing Ireland's first inter-sectoral and inter-disciplinary conference on adult safeguarding later this week. The Inaugural International Adult Safeguarding Conference at Trinity College Dublin will discu

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A consultation on proposals to place adult safeguarding on a statutory footing has been extended for a further four weeks. The proposed Adult Protection Bill aims to respond to the 2019 scandal around safeguarding failings, including allegations of abuse, at Muckamore Abbey Hospital and Dunmurry Man

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An independent regulator for adult safeguarding could be established under proposals set out by the Law Reform Commission (LRC) in a new issues paper. There is "a need for a regulatory framework for adult safeguarding that goes beyond what is currently provided through the existing regulatory bodies

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