Labour Exploitation

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Ireland has again been criticised by the US for not doing enough to tackle human trafficking. The 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report from the US State Department continues to list Ireland as a "tier 2" country, meaning that it "does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of traffic

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The Irish government has been urged to take action to address human trafficking after Ireland was again given a low ranking in the annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report published by the US Department of State. Ireland has been ranked at Tier 2 for the second year running, having been on a Tier

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Efforts by businesses to combat modern-day slavery are stagnating, according to an analysis of UK government data by The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS), with the number of modern slavery statements submitted to the government registry for 2022 trailing markedly.

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Proposals to strengthen Northern Ireland's criminal justice response to modern slavery and human trafficking have gone out to consultation. The public consultation will consider the introduction of slavery and trafficking risk orders, the commencement and nature of the duty to notify provisions, and

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Private security personnel will receive training on how to recognise and tackle human trafficking under plans being developed by the Private Security Authority (PSA). The PSA last year developed new training requirements for those in the door supervisor, security guarding and event security sectors,

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Two women have been jailed for more than five years after becoming the first people in Ireland to be convicted of human trafficking. Alicia Edosa, 45, and Edith Enoghaghase, 31, were both found guilty of two offences under the Criminal Law (Human Trafficking) Act 2008 after a six-week jury trial in

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Concerns have been raised as Ireland remains on a US State Department watchlist due to its inadequate response to tackling human trafficking. The State Department’s 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report confirms that Ireland is to remain for the second year running on its "watchlist" due to the S

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Ireland's first-ever convictions for human trafficking have been handed down against two women in Mullingar Circuit Criminal Court. Alicia Edosa, 44, and Edith Enoghaghase, 31, were found guilty of offences relating to human trafficking, prostitution and money laundering on various dates between Sep

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The Department of Justice is to seek permission from MLAs to publish a modern slavery and human trafficking strategy every three years instead of every one year. Writing in the foreword to the fourth annual strategy, Justice Minister Naomi Long said the government's "understanding of these crimes an

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Ireland is failing to identify victims of human trafficking at an early stage, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has said. The rights watchdog is meeting with the EU Network of National Rapporteurs on Trafficking in Human Beings today to deliver its first update since being designated a

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A government bill on human trafficking needs to be toughened to be brought in line with EU and UN standards, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has said. The rights watchdog, designated under EU law as Ireland's independent national rapporteur on the trafficking of human beings, has publ

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Justice Minister Naomi Long has launched two consultation documents on measures to eradicate modern slavery from the supply chains of public and commercial sector organisations. Transparency in supply chains (TISC) involves relevant businesses publishing a modern slavery statement and setting out th

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The Department of Justice has launched a public consultation on a draft 2021/22 Modern Slavery Strategy for Northern Ireland. The aim of the strategy is to equip Northern Ireland to eradicate modern slavery through a collaborative partnership between law enforcement agencies, frontline professionals

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New powers to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking could be introduced in Northern Ireland following new evidence of their use in Great Britain. Dame Sara Thornton, the UK's independent anti-slavery commissioner, has urged Justice Minister Naomi Long to introduce slavery and trafficking risk

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Human trafficking laws in Northern Ireland will be updated to create a new statutory duty to assist potential victims under proposals now being put to consultation. The proposals would also relax the requirement for the Department of Justice to publish a human trafficking strategy every year, allowi

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