
136-150 of 273 Articles
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An unprecedented international effort to disrupt the finances of the Kinahan crime gang has been launched by Irish, UK and US law enforcement agencies. The US government has announced the designation of what it calls the Kinahan organised crime group (KOCG) as a "significant transnational criminal o

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Drew Harris will remain in post as Garda Commissioner until June 2025, the government has announced. Mr Harris was appointed to the top role in An Garda Síochána for a five-year term beginning in September 2018, following a long career in the PSNI.

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Dr Vicky Conway calls on the government to take urgent action to secure the rights of criminal suspects. The shocking treatment of Joanne Hayes and her family by gardaí was back in the spotlight this week, with allegations of garda brutality, forced confession and fabricated statements laid b

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The Policing Authority has published its review of 2021 which provides an overview of the breadth and depth of the work it has undertaken this year. The review highlights key areas of focus for the Authority’s oversight, as well as providing data relating to senior Garda appointments, public c

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Judge Rory MacCabe has been nominated by ministers for appointment as the next chairperson of the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (GSOC). Currently a Circuit Court judge, he will also be elevated to the High Court "in light of the significance of the role", justice minister Helen M

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Gardaí are influencing the selection of criminal defence solicitors for detainees in the absence of a consistent and transparent process, new research suggests. A new paper by legal academics Professor Yvonne Daly and Dr Vicky Conway, published in the Journal of Law and Society, explores the

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Proposals for improved garda oversight are essential to the garda reform process and must not be watered down, the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) will tell legislators this week. Doireann Ansbro, head of legal and policy for ICCL, will address the Oireachtas justice committee on Wednesday

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The High Court has dismissed an application to hold police responsible for dismantling a dangerous bonfire, finding that the threat of “widespread unrest” outweighed the effects of the anti-social and unlawful behaviour. The emergency application was brought by AB, who lives in the vicin

136-150 of 273 Articles