
76-78 of 78 Articles
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The Health Service Executive (HSE) has secured a temporary High Court injunction against a man who has allegedly set up a misleading website that is confusingly similar to the HSE's crisis pregnancy freephone service, "My Options". The temporary injunction was granted today by Ms Justice Leonie Reyn

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The High Court in Belfast will this week hear a landmark legal challenge aimed at finding Northern Ireland's abortion law in breach of the UK's human rights commitments. The case is being taken by Sarah Ewart, a woman who travelled to England for an abortion after a fatal foetal abnormality diagnosi

Clock icon 9 minutes

Máiréad Enright, senior lecturer at Birmingham Law School and co-director of the Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments Project, sets out options for reform. The Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018 (HRPTA) makes no provision for exclusion zones to prevent protests at lo

76-78 of 78 Articles