London Irish Lawyers Association

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The London Irish Lawyers Association (LILA) will this year host its first-ever St Patrick's Dinner. Tickets are now on sale for the event at The Churchill Hotel on Thursday 16 March 2023, with a donation from the sale of each ticket to be made to the London Irish Centre.

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David Hardstaff, co-chair of the London Irish Lawyers Association (LILA), has been promoted to partner at his firm, BCL Solicitors LLP. Mr Hardstaff joined the firm as a solicitor in 2015 and has now been appointed as a partner in its serious and general crime team.

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The London Irish Lawyers Association (LILA) has announced a new mentoring programme to allow experienced Irish solicitors and barristers working in London to provide careers advice to more junior members. Mentors and mentees joined members of the LILA executive committee at a launch event hosted by

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