Victims of clinical negligence in Ireland are suffering as a result of a claims process that is too slow and too expensive, lawyers told TDs yesterday. The Medical Protection Society (MPS) yesterday hosted a parliamentary event with a range of lawyers, medico and dentolegal experts, with 20 TDs in a
Medical Protection Society
Doctors and patients are suffering mental harm as a result of Ireland's slow and expensive litigation process, the Medical Protection Society (MPS) has said. A new MPS report states that a clinical negligence claim in Ireland takes an average of 1,462 days to resolve, 14 per cent longer than in Sout
The Medical Protection Society (MPS) has said coroner’s inquests in Ireland must remain inquisitorial rather than adversarial, working to bring together the most relevant witnesses and reduce the time taken for an outcome. The suggestions were set out in response to the Government’s Coro
The Medical Protection Society (MPS) has announced the appointment of clinical negligence expert Tom Hayes. MPS is a protection organisation for doctors, dentists and healthcare professionals and supports more than 300,000 members around the world – with over 21,000 of those in Ireland.
Dr Rob Hendry, medical director of the Medical Protection Society (MPS), sets out the medical profession's perspective on Mr Justice Charles Meenan's expert group on tort reform and the management of clinical negligence claims. In 2018 the State Claims Agency paid out nearly €270 million i